The Arizona Genetics Core offers a variety of Illumina NextSeq 550 supported applications including Shotgun/de novo sequencing, RNAseq, Exome sequencing, Small RNA profiling as well as other custom NGS pipelines.
General Information
Sample Input
DNA or RNA from a variety of sample types can be run on Illumina NextSeq 550 including cells, tissue, and blood. We also offer DNA or RNA extraction for library prep.
Applications include:
- Whole Genome Sequencing (Shotgun/de novo)
- Metagenome Analysis
- CHiPseq
- miRNA profiling
- Exome Sequencing
- RNASeq (transcriptome sequencing)
- Single Cell Sequencing
- Other supported and custom protocols (please inquire)
Expected Results
- Read length - 1x75, 2x75, 2x150
- Average data output:
- 1x75 High Output: 25Gb - 30Gb
- 2x75 Mid Output: 16.25Gb - 19.5Gb
- 2x75 High Output: 50Gb - 60Gb
- 2x150 Mid Output: 32.5Gb - 39Gb
- 2x150 High Output: 100Gb - 120Gb
Data Delivery:
Data is now returned via BaseSpace Sequence Hub. This platform offers storage and data analysis tools. Register for an account once your sequencing order is complete.
- Untrimmed reads
- Fastqc_out folder containing zipped quality reports
- Reads trimmed by Trimmomatic
- Organized into paired reads and reads whose pair was not retained due to quality trimming
- In addition to trimming Illumina adapter sequence, trimmomatic parameters used are: LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15
Inquire at for quote
Sample Preparation Details
DNA sample requirements (if not submitting tissue, cells, etc. for extraction):
- 100ng-3µg total DNA required (shotgun/de novo and Exome sequencing)
- DNA should contain no particulate matter
- DNA should not be the result of whole genome amplification (or other process that can compromise accurate representation)
- DNA must be double stranded
- DNA should have an OD 260/280 ratio ≥ 1.8
- DNA should not be degraded
- DNA sample should be suspended in LowTE or water
- 10+ µg total DNA for 10kb mate pair libraries
- 10µg total DNA for 3kb and 5kb mate pair libraries
RNA sample requirements:
- 100ng-3µg total DNA required
- RNA should be resuspended in RNAase free water or RNA preservative
- RNA should not be degraded
Complete the Request a Quote form and we will contact you to discuss your project workflow.
Quality Control of Samples: Every sample received for sequencing will go through a set of quality control checks before it can be processed. Customers may be asked for more DNA/RNA if their sample fails either of the following checkpoints:
- Qubit to verify the quantity of starting material
- Fragment Analyzer to check the material quality
Cluster Generation: Cluster generation requires 10nM post library construction concentration
Sequencing Chemistry: The Arizona Genetics Core uses Illumina NextSeq 2-channel SBS chemistry
Library Preparation/Construction: Arizona Genetics Core uses a variety of DNA/RNA library construction kits
*Note: Per Illumina recommendations we cannot run libraries that are more than 6 months old. Therefore, your library material will be disposed of 6 months after they are built in accordance with our SOPS.
Data Analysis: Supplementary data analysis will incur additional labor rates. Please contact Arizona Genetics Core to discuss further data analysis needs.
Academic (UA): $250.00 | Academic(non-UA): $300.00 | Industry: $375.00 | Unit: Per Machine Run
Note- Flow cells are priced separately. Contact Arizona Genetics Core for a quote including Library prep, Sequencing and data analysis.
Turnaround Time
Average turnaround time will vary depending upon application and sample input.
Average data turnaround time for most NGS projects is approx. 6-8weeks.
Arizona Genetics Core operates on a first come, first serve entry into sample processing queue.
Related Services
RNA Extraction and analysis (Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100)
Sanger DNA sequencing for validation of NGS data
Additional Information
If there is a specific application you are interested in on the NextSeq 500 but do not see listed here, please contact us to see if we can accommodate your needs.
University Customers: We are located in Keating Building Room 106. Samples may be left in the freezer at the north entrance to our lab. Samples should be clearly labeled "NGS" along with your contact information and billing account.
External Customers: Samples should be shipped pre-frozen and preferably on dry ice (although regular ice packs work well enough for overnight shipping). Sample tubes should be sealed with parafilm.
Shipping Address:
Arizona Genetics Core
ATTN: Illumina NGS
1657 E. Helen St.
Keating Building, Rm 106
Tucson, AZ 85721